Conflicts in repository when several people working in the same solution

Ranorex Studio, Spy, Recorder, and Driver.
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Joined: Fri Jul 22, 2022 1:09 pm

Conflicts in repository when several people working in the same solution

Post by AutomationService » Fri Jul 22, 2022 1:55 pm

There are several people working in the same solution.

When trying to commit their work, there can be updates in the repository.
When someone else is pulling he/she can find recordings do not work anymore because a repository item has been changed.

It also happened that someone tried to clean the repository.
Items were removed because they are not used in recordings or referenced in code.
However in the mean time someone else did use this item/these items.

We handle this by communicating ourselves about changes.
It is possible with a small team but maybe there are better solutions.
Do other users have the same experiences and how do they solve it ?

My suggestions :
  • not to delete items from repository
    Instead put them hidden and on next startup see if they are used. If yes, unhide them.
    If not, move them to a special repository that could be cleaned when everything has been checked and double checked . .
    Maybe even by allowing only specific users access.
  • Instead of changing items, create a copy of the item.
    The original item gets hidden.
    Recordings reference to the new item, yet easily can be changed back to the earlier item.