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Using reflection to get repository item

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:37 pm
by mrrioes

I would appreciate if you could help me to implement a method using reflection to get a repository item(I have no experience with reflection).
I want to write a method "TypeIntoField" that has two parameters:

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ArasTestEnvironmentRepository MyRepo = ArasTestEnvironment.ArasTestEnvironmentRepository.Instance;
public void TypeIntoField(string fieldName, string inputText)
Obvious I want to get the repository element with name "fieldName". In my Item Repository I have defined multiple app folders for each DOM:
  • MainWindow: /dom[@domain='domain' and @caption~'^MainWindowTitle']
    ItemWindow: /dom[@domain='domain' and @caption~'^ItemWindowTitle'']
This is necessary because in different windows can be elements with the same name(and for performance improvements)...
So each app folder must be searched. And thats the part were "it" begins. Let's say for example I will pass the following parameters to the method: fieldName = "Password", inputText = "123"
and the element is located at: MainWindow/LoginPage/Password
"LoginPage" is just a simple Folder in the Item Repository.
I have no idea how I can get this element but I tried something like this:
Edited again:
Here is my Solution:

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public void TypeIntoField(string fieldName, string inputText)
	bool res = FindElement(MyRepo, fieldName, inputText);

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public bool FindElement(Object obj, string fieldName, string inputText){
	bool res = false;
	//get properties of current object
	PropertyInfo[] properties = obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
	//iterate over these properties
	foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
		//if this object contains folder 
		if(property.PropertyType.Name.Contains("Folder") && property.Name != "ParentFolder")
			Object newObj = property.GetValue(obj,null);
			Object obj2 = property.GetValue(obj,null);
			//recursive call to search the element in the folder
			res = FindElement(property.GetValue(obj,null), fieldName, inputText);
		else if(property.PropertyType.Name == "InputTag")
			if(property.Name == fieldName)
				MethodInfo click = property.PropertyType.GetMethod("Click", new Type[0]);
				MethodInfo pressKey = property.PropertyType.GetMethod("PressKeys",  new Type[] { typeof(string)});
				Object newObj2 = property.GetValue(obj,null);
				PropertyInfo[] properties2 = newObj2.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
				Object obj3 = newObj2.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetValue(newObj2,null);
				string currentValue = obj3.ToString();
				int counter = 0;
				while(currentValue != inputText){
					if(counter >10){
						return false;
					click.Invoke(newObj2, new object[0]);
					pressKey.Invoke(newObj2, new object[] { "{LControlKey down}{Akey down}{Akey up}{LControlKey up}" });
					pressKey.Invoke(newObj2, new object[] { "{BACK}" });
					pressKey.Invoke(newObj2, new object[] { inputText });
					obj3 = newObj2.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetValue(newObj2,null);
					currentValue = obj3.ToString();
				return true;
		if(res == true)
			return true;

	return res;
Kind regards


Re: Using reflection to get repository item

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:32 pm
by Support Team
Hello mrrioes,

Great that you could solve the issue and thanks for posing your solution.

Rnaorex Support Team