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Firing Dev Express Events

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:19 pm
by atom

Question to people using Dev Express, and Remote Invoke
I have a form containing two Xtra Grids, when an operation is performed in Grid1, then Grid2 gets updated
However to perform the operation in Grid1, the test uses Remote Invoke, and runs my own bit of code
How then to get Grid2 to update?

One way i though of was to raise an event in my code, but this means knowing what event the developer used to get Grid2 to update... is there any other way?


Re: Firing Dev Express Events

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:38 pm
by Support Team

I think it depends on the event handler which is used by the developer. If the developer used a "ValueChangeEventHandler", there shouldn't be a problem, because the grid will be updated after some value changes. But if the developer use a "MouseEventHandler", then nothing will happen when you only change some values, because no mouse event is recognized by the control. If a "MouseEventHandler" is used, you should trigger a mouse event after you execute your InvokeRemotely.

Ranorex Support Team

Re: Firing Dev Express Events

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:40 pm
by atom
Thanks, got to bottom of it
I used ColumnView.SelectRow, and developer put his code behind FocusRowChange event, rather than selection changed event.