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How to execute test cases in multiple devices?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:09 am
by sunil.pandey

can anybody please let me know
"How to execute test cases in multiple devices if I've only one Ranorex licence (Using Jenkins)"

Thanks & Regards,

Re: How to execute test cases in multiple devices?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:20 am
by odklizec

If you have just one license, you will have to run your tests sequentially. Once a test is finished on one device, you can start it on another. Eventually, you can add a "wait for available license" method to your solution, so the tests will not fail due to unavailable license ;) I'm using something like this:
public static int WaitForAvailableLicense(int WaitForLicenseTimeout, int WaitForLicenseInterval)
			System.Console.WriteLine("Waiting for RX license...");
			bool RXLicenseAvailable = Ranorex.Core.ElementEngine.WaitForValidLicense(new Ranorex.Duration(WaitForLicenseTimeout), new Ranorex.Duration(WaitForLicenseInterval));
			if (RXLicenseAvailable)
				System.Console.WriteLine("Rx license available.");
				return 1;                    
				System.Console.WriteLine("No Rx license available! (waited " + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(WaitForLicenseTimeout).TotalMinutes.ToString() + " mins)");
				return 0;
The above method must be called as the very first thing in Program cs, e.g. like this:
// wait for license 15mins/check every 5secs       