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Scrolling screen of the Android application.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:31 pm
by Free Ronin
Hi to everyone.
We have some specific issue with app and the only useful case to solve this, is just simple scrolling of the devices screen(slow scrolling for about 15-20 mins). I've created small scenario using invoke action - ScrollToIndex and just changed index number. So everything was cool and app scrolls every photo file one after another. But i faced another problem. App downloads 20 photos and after 20th it is need to scroll screen and after it spinner appears and new 20 photos downloaded. But automate scenario do not understand that it is need to scroll screen , it is just can not see next index so after 20th photo , scenario just stuck.
Can someone please recommend something? I've thought about adding swipe action but do not find additional info how to do it. When i adds it manually it is got red exclamation mark and the helping tip do not really helps me, i do not understand what particular steps i need to do. May be someone can explain how to do it step by step?


Re: Scrolling screen of the Android application.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:22 pm
by Support Team
Hi Free Ronin,

May I ask you to send or post a Ranorex snapshot file of your app when more than 20 photos were downloaded and your test stuck?
This will help us to better understand your problem!
The following link will show you how to generate a snapshot file: Creating Ranorex Snapshot Files.
