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Problem with Local Test Aplication

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:08 pm
by danilo.nexttrends
I'm doing some automation tests in a product from the company and I'm having some issues in the Local version of the aplication. Basicly, the aplication has a version already running online and I'm doing tests on the offline version on my local machine, but, even the two versions beeing exactly the same, the online version works well and the local version not.
To run the online aplication, I Use the chrome normaly, but to run the local aplication, I have to desable some security settings on my Chrome using the following code ("C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --disable-gpu --disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process --user-data-dir="C://ChromeDev") so I can run the aplication on my local machine, but when I do that, the track on Ranorex does not work on the screen elements. As I said, the aplications are build the exactly the same way and on the Online version, I can Capture the elements on screen with no problems.
My Ranorex is running on the version 10.4.0
My chrome on 109.0.5414.75
Chrome ranorex extension on 1.3.1
Windows 11
The fact that I disabled the security setting to my Chrome may afect the track on Ranorex? If not, what could it be?
Any adivices?

Re: Problem with Local Test Aplication

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 9:29 am
by Marie143
about us Disabling the security settings in Chrome can indeed affect the functionality of tools like Ranorex. When you disable web security in Chrome, it allows cross-origin requests, which can lead to security vulnerabilities. Ranorex relies on the browser's security settings to properly interact with web elements and perform actions on them. home repairs and maintenance

Re: Problem with Local Test Aplication

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 8:40 pm
Have you considered the failures might be related to screen size or resolution?